what is Database and types of Data.


Database: A database is an organized collection of data that can be accessed,managed,and updated quikly and easily. In a database management system (DBMS), the data is stored in tables with each table consisting of columns and rows. The DBMS software manages the data and allows to perform various operations on the data,such as adding,updating, and deleting data.


Types of data:

1)Relational database: This type of database stores data in tables that are related to each other through common fields, examples of relational databases include MySQL, Oracle, and SQL server.

2)Object-oriented database: This type of database stores data as objects,which can manipulated using programming languages such as java or c++. Examples of object-oriented databases include objectDB and versant.

3)Quantitative data: Quantitative data can be observed and recorded. This data type is non-numerical in nature. This type of data collected through methods of observations, one-to-one interviews, conducting focus groups, and similar methods. Qualitative data in statistics is also known as categorically based on the attributes and properties of a thing or a phenomenon.

4)quantitative Data : Quantitative data is the value of data in the form of counts or numbers where each data set has a unique numerical value. This data is any quantifiable information that researchers can use to make real-life decisions based on these mathematical derivations.  



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